
Monday, October 7, 2024

Metropolitan Meletios of Nikopolis and 666 as the Number of the Antichrist

Until 1981, no matter how much one looked, no matter where one turned to in their research, one would not find a single hint in the Orthodox world, not even a possibility of whether 666 is the mark of the antichrist. Orthodox tradition completely ignores such a theory.

From 1981, however, opinions diametrically opposed to the Orthodox began to circulate. It has been claimed that 666 is the antichrist's mark, that those who accept it, even in the form of a barcode, are transformed into demonic personalities, that 666 as a code on identity cards is a lifelong and indelible seal of the antichrist by the energy of Satan, etc. These views started in the United States of America from Mary Stewart Relfe's writings, which became bestsellers, but they also reached Greece. They were supported, in fact, to such an extent that theologians, monasteries, hieromonks, etc. fought against the barcode, considering it the antichrist's mark, and preached with all their might that anyone who accepts it is transformed into a demonic personality and takes upon himself the seal of Satan.