
Friday, November 19, 2021

The Prophet Obadiah and the Day of the Lord

By Dr. Athanasios Moustakis

On November 19, the Prophet Obadiah is celebrated in the Orthodox Church. His vision has been recorded in and is the smallest book of the Old Testament. The name Obadiah probably means "servant of God" and apparently was quite common in the Old Testament, since within the pages of its books it appears a total of thirteen people carry it.

In this little book we find a characteristic prophetic expression, the expression "Day of the Lord", which also appears in the books of the prophets Joel (1:15, 2:1, 4:14), Zephaniah (1:14), Malachi (3:19), Isaiah (13:9), Jeremiah (32:33) and Ezekiel (7:10, 13:5). It does not appear in any other books of the Old Testament except in the prophetic ones we have noted, and refers to the day when the will of God will prevail in our world, restoring injustice, eradicating evil, and presenting to all the glorious name of God.